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La mayoría de las mutaciones «silenciosas» son en realidad dañinas



La mayoría de las mutaciones «silenciosas» son en realidad dañinas

Durante mucho tiempo se ha pensado que las mutaciones sinónimas tienen un impacto relativamente nulo.

Un nuevo estudio revela que la mayoría de las mutaciones «silenciosas» son dañinas en lugar de neutrales.

Mariscal Nirenberg, un Universidad de Michigan exalumnos y un pequeño grupo de investigadores descifraron el código genético de la vida a principios de la década de 1960 y descubrieron la regla de que la información almacenada en[{» attribute=»»>DNA molecules is converted into proteins, the functional components of living cells.

They discovered three-letter DNA units called codons that describe each of the 20 amino acids that make up proteins. This discovery would win Nirenberg and two others the Nobel Prize.

Occasionally, single-letter misspellings in the genetic code, known as point mutations, occur. Nonsynonymous mutations are point modifications that alter the protein sequences that result from them, while silent or synonymous mutations do not change the protein sequences.

One-quarter to one-third of protein-coding DNA sequence point mutations are synonymous. They have often been thought to be neutral or almost neutral mutations ever since the genetic code was deciphered.

But in a study recently published Nature that involved the genetic manipulation of yeast cells in the laboratory, University of Michigan biologists show that most synonymous mutations are strongly harmful.

The strong non-neutrality of most synonymous mutations—if found to be true for other genes and in other organisms—would have major implications for the study of human disease mechanisms, population and conservation biology, and evolutionary biology, according to the study authors.

“Since the genetic code was solved in the 1960s, synonymous mutations have been generally thought to be benign. We now show that this belief is false,” said study senior author Jianzhi “George” Zhang, the Marshall W. Nirenberg Collegiate Professor in the U-M Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology.

“Because many biological conclusions rely on the presumption that synonymous mutations are neutral, its invalidation has broad implications. For example, synonymous mutations are generally ignored in the study of disease-causing mutations, but they might be an underappreciated and common mechanism.”

In the past decade, anecdotal evidence has suggested that some synonymous mutations are nonneutral. Zhang and his colleagues wanted to know if such cases are the exception or the rule.

They chose to address this question in budding yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) because the organism’s short generation time (about 80 minutes) and small size allowed them to measure the effects of a large number of synonymous mutations relatively quickly, precisely, and conveniently.

They used CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing to construct more than 8,000 mutant yeast strains, each carrying a synonymous, nonsynonymous or nonsense mutation in one of 21 genes the researchers targeted.

Then they quantified the “fitness” of each mutant strain by measuring how quickly it reproduced relative to the nonmutant strain. Darwinian fitness, simply put, refers to the number of offspring an individual has. In this case, measuring the reproductive rates of the yeast strains showed whether the mutations were beneficial, harmful or neutral.

To their surprise, the researchers found that 75.9% of synonymous mutations were significantly deleterious, while 1.3% were significantly beneficial.

“The previous anecdotes of nonneutral synonymous mutations turned out to be the tip of the iceberg,” said study lead author Xukang Shen, a graduate student research assistant in Zhang’s lab.

“We also studied the mechanisms through which synonymous mutations affect fitness and found that at least one reason is that both synonymous and nonsynonymous mutations alter the gene-expression level, and the extent of this expression effect predicts the fitness effect.”

Zhang said the researchers knew beforehand, based on the anecdotal reports, that some synonymous mutations would likely turn out to be nonneutral.

“But we were shocked by the large number of such mutations,” he said. “Our results imply that synonymous mutations are nearly as important as nonsynonymous mutations in causing disease and call for strengthened effort in predicting and identifying pathogenic synonymous mutations.”

The U-M-led team said that while there is no particular reason why their results would be restricted to yeast, confirmations in diverse organisms are required to verify the generality of their findings.

Reference: “Synonymous mutations in representative yeast genes are mostly strongly non-neutral” by Xukang Shen, Siliang Song, Chuan Li, and Jianzhi Zhang, 8 June 2022, Nature.
DOI: 10.1038/s41586-022-04823-w

The study was funded by the U.S. National Institutes of Health. 

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SpaceX lanza el cohete Falcon 9 en la misión Starlink desde el Centro Espacial Kennedy – Spaceflight Now



SpaceX lanza el cohete Falcon 9 en la misión Starlink desde el Centro Espacial Kennedy – Spaceflight Now
Un cohete SpaceX Falcon 9 despega de la plataforma de lanzamiento en el Complejo de Lanzamiento 39A, como se captura en este video tomado el 17 de abril de 2024. Imagen: Adam Bernstein/Spaceflight Now

SpaceX completó su lanzamiento final del Falcon 9 desde la plataforma 39A en el Centro Espacial Kennedy de la NASA el miércoles por la noche. La misión Starlink 6-51 tuvo lugar aproximadamente una semana y media después de lanzar su primera misión de viaje compartido Bandwagon-1 desde esa misma plataforma de lanzamiento.

El despegue del cohete Falcon 9 tuvo lugar a las 5:26 p. m. EDT (9:26 p. m. UTC), abriendo una ventana de lanzamiento de aproximadamente cuatro horas.

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Ha habido un total de 174 vuelos orbitales del LC-39A. Nueve de ellos eran cohetes Falcon Heavy, y los 72 restantes eran cohetes Falcon 9. También ha habido 11 lanzamientos de Saturn 5 desde esta plataforma.

El propulsor de primera etapa Falcon 9 que respalda esta misión, número de cola B1077 en la flota de SpaceX, se lanzó por duodécima vez. Anteriormente apoyó misiones como el vuelo Crew-5 para el Programa de tripulación comercial de la NASA, el satélite geoestacionario GPS 3 Space Vehicle 06 y una nave espacial Northrop Grumman Cygnus en la misión NG-20 a la Estación Espacial Internacional.

Aproximadamente 8,5 minutos después del despegue, B1077 aterrizó en el dron SpaceX, “Simplemente lea las instrucciones”. Este es el aterrizaje número 78 de JRTI y el aterrizaje número 298 de SpaceX hasta la fecha. Esto se produce pocos días después de que el B1062 alcanzara el estatus de líder de vuelo con 20 lanzamientos en total.

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